Art is

It speaks without saying a word and it gets to know us without asking Welcome to my space where you can express yourself as you are and I will as well.

Jennifer Kamhazi Bloch

was born in Caracas, Venezuela.

She is a Fine Arts Artist, fashion designer and business woman. From an early age, she has been passionate about art, having a good eye for design and originality. Never satisfied with things as they were, she would transform her surroundings to express the artistic vision through which she sees the world.

She developed her talent by studying Fine Arts at the Armando Reveron University, Caracas, Graphic Design at the Instituto de Diseño de Caracas (Caracas Design Institute) and Fashion Design at the Brivil Institute. Inspired by her father, who has over 40 years experience in the watch industry, managing and distributing multiple brands, she began to get involved at the age of 16 and learned all the details about watchmaking.

 Jennifer is the inspiration behind every creation of the Mulco brand. She resumed her career in the Fine Arts going back to her origins, a need that always haunted her. In order to fill this void and achieve her goal, she began to get involved in new painting techniques, discovering herself and bringing to life the need to express what she felt inside. Jennifer continues to spread her passion for fashion and art through everything she does. As a wife, mother of three, and a philanthropist, she continues to cultivate and diversify her creative talents. Always with the need to denounce the injustices of the world through her eyes. This constant evolution further enriches her sense of innovation and, therefore, gives to the world the best of herself. Jennifer’s core values and creativity are a true reflection of her vision as a well-rounded artist.

Inspiration Behind

Brave Girl collection

This collection is an introspective of two themes that create indignation, sadness and impotence in me. Excessive waste and child abuse. I am fascinated by packaging, but its exaggerated production makes me very nervous, in many cases, even if they are recyclable, they end up in the trash since we do not have the time or the knowledge to put it in the correct container. If the world has given us so much “it is time to give back”. On the other hand, as I was looking at the National Geographic Instagram account, I was hipnotyzed by the photograph of a beautiful little girl; I was impacted by her story and started investigating everything about her case. At the end it turned out to be about 380,000 girls, between the age of 8 and 15, living terrible stories, terrible lives. For me, this all seemed like a horror movie! In Kenya, Africa often when a female is born in a low-income family, the family decides what to do with her life. Sometimes they sell her, marry her off, give her away as a maid or slave delivering her to the highest bidder; in many cases these girls are as young as 8 years old. If the girl gets pregnant, usually the “Man” gets rid of her, and her parents no longer accept her back. Unfortunately, these girls are sometimes left on the street with a baby, whom they cannot raise, care for or maintain and frequently the baby ends up dying as well as the mother. 

brave girl gallery

Excessive Waste and Child abuse, 2 causes with the same objective


Dr.Mariam Dumm, psyquiatra buying a piece at the Brave Girl exhibition. Happy customer, “the experience of buying art with social responsibility”

My goal is for this collection to contribute in the following way: Creating awareness and spreading the word.